Thursday, June 30, 2011


Thursday, June 30, 2011
This evening Grandpa and I went to calling hours for Glenn Gough.  We were in hopes of seeing Ricky there but we didn't.  When we went through the receiving line Mitch said he and his wife graduated with Kathy.  His wife is Theresa Kohlar Gough.  We also talked with Matt Gough who said Steve was his wrestling coach when he was in 7th and 8th grade.  He really liked Steve as a coach.
(How Jesus Came Into My Life)
During the time we lived on Water Street, John and Steve made the Sacrament of Holy Communion.  We had a big party for them because in the eye's of the Catholic Church that is when you receive Jesus in the form of a host.  I believe now they use wine and a host.  The host represented the body of Christ and the wine the blood of Christ.
Grandpa and I then had an opportunity to purchase some land to build a house on.  This is the property where we live now.  We had our house built and moved in the year 1968. 
When Kathy was 8 years old she made her Holy Communion.  I wanted to get involved so I began with teaching CCD (Confraternity Christian Doctrine).  I was thirsty to learn more about God.  I taught the Sacraments and the life of Jesus.  I became a Lay Reader and that is a person who reads the Epistle during the Mass.  Our children made their Confirmation but to be honest I just don't remember to much about that time. 
One thing I do remember is the Church taught "The Bible is the WORD OF GOD"
To Be Continued,
Love, grandma

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Our Baby Girl

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Our day was as beautiful as the weather.  Grandpa loaded up the sheet metal roof that was taken off the building and we took it to a recycle place in Windham.  Grandpa walked away with a nice little check in his pocket.  I'm thinking he might feel the burn in his muscles tomorrow from the lifting.
(How Jesus Came Into My Life)
The doctors decided to induce labor three weeks early for this pregnancy.  I was told that most of the problems with the blood happens in the last weeks of  pregnancy.  The delivery was easy and no problem.  We were thrilled because we had a little girl.  She had coal black hair and a fair complexion.  I thought she looked like Grandpa when she was born.  Grandpa picked out the name Kathryn and I picked out Sue.  My doctor had told me that I should NOT take my baby home less then 5 days because if the blood count was going to drop it would  by then.  My doctor went on vacation and the substitute doctor released us after 3 days.  I said 'NO, NO NO" because I was afraid of what might happen.  The nurse finally came in and said our baby girl had the same blood type as mine and not to worry.
We had Kathryn Sue Baptized in the Catholic Church.  Rosemarie was her God Mother and Uncle Sammy stood in proxy for Uncle John.  I still felt I was doing everything right and was obedient to the Catholic Church.  As I look back now It was the religion I was following and not my beloved Savior.
To be continued,
Love, grandma

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Our First House

Tuesday, June 29, 2011
Today I went to visit an old friend who has major health problems.  God was so good to arrange for us to get together.  How do I know it was God?  Because it was good, acceptable and perfect.
(How Jesus Came Into My Life)
Grandpa and I have been married 4 years and have been blessed with two beautiful children.  Grandma's hobby back then was being on a bowling team. 
Grandpa and I purchased our first home.  Actually I should say Grandpa and Grandpa Belden co-signed since I wasn't of age yet.  The house was a big two story house on Water Street in Garrettsville.  I remember the moving day.  We had some friends move us in a pick up truck, set up the beds in the bedrooms and everything else in the middle of the living room floor.  Believe it or not I was as happy as can be.  Our first house.
I was asked by a chef I knew if I would be interested in working as a waitress part time in a new bar and restaurant called the Chanticleer.  I knew nothing of waitressing but was told I could learn on the job.  The restaurant was located in the plaza where the bowling alley is in Garrettsville.  I would walk to work being we had only one car and it wasn't that far.  I found an excellent baby sitter, B. Brown, who was an elderly lady but very good to the boys.
Working in a bar restaurant was not a good influence on me.  I don't know how to explain it but I seemed separated from my family and life became all about me.  I had a lot of maturing to do during that time.
I worked for awhile and then a wonderful blessing came when I found out I was pregnant.  The doctors had advised us not to have anymore children because of the problems we had previously.  The pregnancy went very well and I couldn't be happier.
To Be Continued
Love, grandma

Monday, June 27, 2011

Our Second Child

Monday, June 27, 2011
Wal-mart shopping this morning, this afternoon cleaning girl came and this evening Grandpa and I went out to Cal's for supper and McDonald's for our hot fudge sundae.  Pretty hard to top a day like today.
(How Jesus Came Into My Life)
March 22, 1961 our son, Steven Douglas, was born to us.  The delivery was easy but the days after were pretty frightening.  Steve was an 8 # baby, looked healthy and had the biggest dimples you would ever want to see on a baby. 
I must have lost quite a bit of blood because I needed a blood transfusion.  That's when they discovered I was Negative A blood type.  Not good news if you have a positive baby.  Steve's blood count continued to drop each day.  They had tested him so many times that there weren't to many places on his little body that didn't have needle marks.  The doctors told me I could stay in the hospital with him as long as I wanted because they really didn't expect him to live.  I was there with him almost a week and felt I needed to get home for our son John.  What I didn't know at the time was that as soon as I left we could no longer hold Steve, touch him or feed him.  We had to come as visitors and look through the glass window.  It was one month later when the hospital called and said we could bring our baby boy home.  The doctor's said this baby had a strong will to live.  I can still remember Grandpa and I going to bring him home.  Excited!!!!!
I was told my Grandmother had the priest come to the hospital to Baptize Steve but I never found out for sure.  We had Steve Baptized in the Catholic church to make sure he would go to heaven.  This is what I was taught and I wanted to do everything right.
To be continued
Love, grandma

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Sunday, June 26, 2011
A beautiful day today.  It's like perfect weather.  Grandpa finished his mowing and I fed the flowered plants some Miracle Grow and hit some weeds with Round Up. 
I think I'm getting a little carried away with my emails and give you all TMI.  It's just when I get started on the memories it's hard to quit.
(How Jesus Came Into My Life)
Grandpa was working at the Standard Transformer in Warren Ohio when we got married.  Times were tough and Grandpa took a second part time job working evenings at a gas station. 
John was getting bigger and crawling around so we found a small house we could rent.  I found another job at a grocery store called Layers while Granny Belden babysat John.  It wasn't long and I was pregnant again which I was thrilled.  I felt good and loved being a wife and mother. I had to give up working at Layer's because of morning sickness.  A job opportunity came up with baby sitting Mike Hyde.  His Mom would bring him to the house each weekday with a can of chicken noodle soup.  That was all Mike wanted to eat for lunch.  He was good company for John to play with and I earned $5.00 a week for babysitting.  It might not sound like much but at the time it was a blessing.
I loved going to church but felt so guilty if I had to miss.  On Sunday was the ONLY time I felt close to Jesus in the celebration of the Mass.  I am going to give you the Explanation of the Mass from my Sunday Missal.  I kept this Missal because it is what I carried on my wedding day.  
 Father, The offering is made under the appearances of bread and wine.  It is a mystical immolation made in an unbloody manner.
By a sacrifice is meant an oblation of something in which a notable change is wrought and offered to God alone in witness of the supreme honor and reverence that man owes Him as his Creator, Master, Beginning and End.
The Sacrifice of the Mass was instituted by Our Lord Himself.  In instituting it He left His Church a Sacrifice by which the bloody Sacrifice offered on Calvary should be renewed to the end of time, and the merits of that Sacrifice might be applied in behalf of the living and the dead for the remission of sins.
The separate consecration of the bread and the wine in the Mass represents the actual separation of the Body and Blood of Our Lord in His Death on the Cross.
The Mass is not, however, a mere representation of the Sacrifice of the Cross.  It is, in all truth, the actual Sacrifice of the Cross that is renewed on the altar; for the Victim offered is the same--Christ on the altar offering Himself through the ministry of the priest, even as on the Cross He offered Himself.  The only difference consists in the manner of offering.  Through the Sacrifice of the Mass God bestows on us the graces that were merited for us by Christ's Sacrifice on the Cross.
The Mass has four purposes: 1. To adore God.  2. To thank God.  3. To obtain grace and benefits. 4. To satisfy the justice of God for the sins committed against Him, and make reparation to Him.
Hard to understand?????
Sorry, I thought I was going to keep this short tonight.
Love, grandma

Saturday, June 25, 2011

First Year Of Marriage

Saturday, June 25, 2011
Our eleven year old Amish neighbor girl named Cindy called up this morning wanting to know if she could wash our car today.  You would not believe the job she did on it.  She got up on a ladder and washed the top and everything below except the wheels.  She litterly took all the mats out of the car and scrubbed them.  Swept the car with a sweeper and washed all the windows.  I almost felt guilty just giving her eight dollars but I couldn't give her more then what I paid her brother last year at least not on the first day.  She's a keeper.
(How Jesus Came Into My Live)
Our first home together was an upstairs apartment in the town of Garrettsville.  It happened to be on the same street as the Catholic Church.  So easy for me to go for Mass.  I was so happy being a married woman and having my own home.
Grandpa went back to work the following week and I was working at the grocery store.  The next week or so I was using the meat slicer to cut lunchmeat and cut the tip of my thumb off.  It was at the end of the day and Grandpa was there to pick me up.  I must ad there was no meat guard on the slicer and I was still 16 and should not have been using the slicer.  The other girl I worked with was on vacation so I had to work.  The doctors in town would not touch it and I had to have stitches put in so Grandpa drove me to a surgeon's office in Ravenna.  I must say that was the most painful cut I ever had.  It hurt so bad that I slept on the couch so Grandpa wouldn't bump it accidentally. 
It wasn't long after I got pregnant and morning sickness followed.  I missed a lot of church because of that and then I just used it as an excuse not to go.  Another trip to the confessional before I could receive communion.  Communion back then had it's own rules.  No eating or drinking after midnight and communion was the only way one could receive Jesus internally.  The word used for that is transubstantiation meaning the change in the Eucharistic elements from the substance of bread and wine to the substance of the body of Christ with only the appearances of bread and wine remaining. 
Our first son was born on September 21, 1959.  Grandpa picked out the name for him, John Michael,.  I didn't know what I had a boy or a girl till Grandpa told me after I woke up in recovery.  When they brought the baby to me my first thought was "He looks like a Belden" I smiled because in my eyes he was the most handsome baby with his bright red hair.  I was 5 days in the hospital and then stayed a week at Granny and Grandpa Belden's house.  On October 25th 1959 we had John Baptized in the Church.  John's Godparents were my friends, Diane Gano and her husband.  Now if anything happened to John he would go right to heaven.  That is what I was taught.  I fulfilled my first responsibility of having John Baptized and receiving the first Sacrament.
To be continued
Love, grandma

Friday, June 24, 2011


Friday,  June 24, 2011
I really don't have any family news so I will get right to the memories.
(How Jesus came into my life)
On Saturday, October 25, 1958  Grandpa and I were married in the Catholic Church, St. Ambrose, in Garrettsville, Ohio.  Being we had only two attendants in our wedding party we got into Grandpa's new 1958 white Chevy and rode around town honking the horn.  We then drove to Ravenna to have our pictures taken at a Photo Studio.  We then drove back to the farm where the wedding reception was.   My Grandma didn't have much money but we had a nice reception at the house.  There was good food, music being played in the basement and a wedding cake to be cut.  We opened presents there before we left on our honeymoon.
Grandpa had told me before we got married that we would stop at the first motel we came to.  I changed clothes into my pretty blue suit before we left.  We left the reception at 4;00PM while people were still partying.  Off we went headed East.  We past the first motel, then the second and third.  I thought "Boy, Grandpa is more nervous about this then I am".  He kept driving and driving till we were in New York.  It wasn't long we saw a red light flashing to pull us over.  The officer said Grandpa was speeding but he didn't give us a ticket.  We must have looked like newly weds.  Grandpa wanted to surprise me and took us to Niagara Falls on the Canadian side.  We arrived around 10 o'clock that night.  We stopped at a new motel and reserved our room then went to the Falls.  It was beautiful. 
Now if you are over 18 you can read the next part:  Remember it was our honeymoon night and I had bought a new nightgown to wear.  I went into the bathroom with my suitcase and couldn't believe my eyes.  My Aunt Florence and cousin Rosemarie had taken all my night clothes out of the suit case. :0  I didn't want to come out unless all the lights were off.  It was so embarrassing!!! 
Next morning we went back to the Falls and took some pictures.  Black and White as we couldn't afford colored film. 
We stopped for breakfast and I ordered panny cakes.  At least that's what we called pancakes when I was growing up.  You should have seen the look on Grandpa's face.  Grandpa cut his all nice and neat and mine was one big pile in the center of my plate.  You can see I had a lot of growing up to do.  After breakfast We headed home.  We saw a lot of farm land and I said "Wow, look at all those horses in the pasture".  Grandpa said 'those are cows".  He still teases me about that to this day.
We would have stayed longer but I had to be back to work at the grocery store Monday morning.  Grandpa had the whole week off.  Not Fair!
To be continued:
Love, grandma

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tori will be leaving tomorrow for her mission trip to Ecuador.  She will be gone from June 24 to July 3rd.  Be safe Tori and be fruitful with sharing Christ. 
(How Jesus came into my life)
First of all I want to thank Erica for her astute reading of Grandma's emails.  There was an inadvertently error on the year Grandpa and I got engaged.  We were engaged May 18, 1958 and Married on October 25, 1958. 
I would like to recap what I have written thus far and add some important information in my teen years.  I believe it's of value for you to know what my jobs were, some religious events that I questioned and maybe some definitions that might be helpful.
I believe I was twelve years old when I fulfilled the Sacrament of Confirmation at Holy Family Church in Cleveland, Ohio.  The definition of a sacrament in Catholicism is: a sacrament is an outward and visible sign, ordained by Christ, setting forth and pledging an inward and spiritual blessing;  I've also heard in a simple form that it's the presence of Christ within you.  What I remember of mine was it was the Bishop that conducted the religious ceremony and I had to have a sponsor who would be responsible for me to fulfill my obligation.  I chose my cousin, Rosemarie, to be my sponsor and I also was to choose a new biblical name which for me was Mary.  My name then was Patricia Arlene Mary Janka.  My obligation was to the Catholic Church and I was to be a soldier of Christ.
Now I'm going to jump ahead to another event in my life and that is when I was 15 I was asked by my then girlfriend, Norma McCoy, to be her maid of honor at her marriage to Joe Layer.  I knew at that time it was not acceptable for me to partake in a Methodist wedding ceremony.  Deep in my heart I could not understand why because I thought God was in their church as was in mine.  I went ahead and was her maid of honor. (Now I'm so glad I was).  A couple of weeks later the priest called me on the phone and asked "What the BLEEP were you doing in a BLEEP Protestant wedding?  I lied on the phone and told him I didn't know it was wrong.  I then had to go to Confession, which was also called a sacrament, and confess my sin.  I was given a penance of saying so many Our Fathers and Hail Mary's.
At the end of my Junior year of school I knew we would be getting married in the Fall so I didn't think I could start my Senior year and then quite.  At that time you were not allowed to be married and go to school.  I went to the principal's office and asked if he would recommend me for a job at the local grocery store called Chet's Golden Dawn.  The principal was very nice and said he would and congratulated me on my upcoming wedding.  God knew what he was doing by having me work in a grocery store because I didn't know the difference between a head of lettuce and a head of cabbage.  Now you know what poor Grandpa had to go through with my inexperienced cooking.
I think this is enough for tonight and I thank you for your patience in reading this.
To be continued,
Love, grandma

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Grandma's Teen Years

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Well Grandma just got home from a birthday party that was at the Mill Restaurant tonight.  My friend, Fran Michael's celebrated her 70th birthday today and had an all girls party which we all had a great time.
( How Jesus Came Into My Life)
I believe I left off with my move to Freedom, Ohio at age 14.  It was quite a shock living in the country after living in the city.  In the city I was able to hop on a bus and pretty much go where I needed to go.  In the country the only transportation I had was my bicycle or walking miles to get anywhere. 
After I made friends at school, there was one girl who lived maybe a couple of miles from me.  The only entertainment for my age was the local skating rink.  My girlfriend's Father would pick me up and take us skating on Friday nights.  When I was 15 I pretty well made the skating rink my place to go especially on weekends. 
Ok, You are all wanting to know how I met Grandpa.  Grandpa use to come skating or just hang out at the skating rink.  My girlfriend at the time knew who he was and knew he had a really sharp looking 1956 Chevy convertible.  After skating one night she asked him if she could drive his car.  My friend Diane was 16 and had her drivers license.  Did I mention she was very pretty.  Grandpa said ok so we all went for a ride.  I'm not sure how this all came about but Diane and her boyfriend and Grandpa and I started double dating.
  Grandpa gave me an engagement ring May 18, 1959 at my Junior Prom.  We planned a Fall wedding and chose the month of October because it had 5 Fridays in it which meant 5 paydays for Grandpa.  I was willing to just elope but Grandpa said he was afraid of my Grandmother and thought it better we get married in the church.  I was thrilled to think I would be having a church wedding. 
 We had to meet with the priest several weeks for counseling before the wedding.  At that time the priest asked Grandpa to sign papers saying we would raise our children in the Catholic Church.  I'm not sure Grandpa was to happy about that but he signed the papers.  We did talk it over and Grandpa felt I was stronger in my religion then he was in his. Being Grandpa wasn't Catholic,  we could not have a full wedding with a Mass and we had to be married before noon.  That was church laws.  My girlfriend Judy was my maid of honor and Grandpa asked my cousin Don to be his best man.  Both attendants had to be Catholic.  Uncle Sammy gave me away because my Dad was unable to be there.  
To be continued: 
Love, grandma

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Grandma's Early Years (4)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
First I need to share Grandpa and my experience of trying to put minutes on my tracfone.
I purchased the add minutes card last Thursday at our IGA store.  Senior day and 5% off total bill made for a sweeter shopping day.  I purchase the one year card which gives 400 minutes and cost $99.00.
Grandpa wanted me to call tracfone and have them add the minutes on my cell phone.  I called the 800 number and was on hold.  I was told it would be a fifteen minute wait so I put it on speaker phone.  I heard the phone ring and someone picked it up and then hung up.  I redialed and now I had a 30 minute wait.  I told Grandpa lets just use the internet.  I entered the pin and phone number then submit.  I realize there was a 200 minute bonus code so I went back and put that in.  I hit submit and it wouldn't let me go any further because it said the pin number had already been used.  Ok! Now I had to call the 800 number so I could get my minutes.  This time I decided I would just use the automated directions to get my minutes.  The recording was very clear but it kept telling me the pin number I used had already been used.  I looked at my phone and you guessed it the minutes had already been added.  No I didn't get the bonus minutes but I now have over 2000 minutes on my phone.  After feeling stupid all I could do was LOL. Grandpa on the other hand said all he could think of was "there went a hundred bucks".
(How Jesus Came Into My Life)
I graduated from 8th grade and my sister graduated from high school in 1955.  My Grandfather passed away April 2, 1955.  My Grandmother decided to sell the house in Cleveland and move to the old farm house she had in Freedom.  Moving day was on my 14th birthday, November 6th.  My sister remained in Cleveland now that she was 18 and had a job.  The lady my Grandmother took care of, Aunt Lulu, and my Uncle moved to the farm with us.   I wasn't driving yet but I do remember going to Catholic Church every Sunday.  Don't remember how we got there but Grandma would never miss mass. I know church laws have changed since then but if you missed mass intentionally it was a mortal sin and you had better not die with a mortal sin on your soul.
To be continued:  I will share how I met Grandpa.
Love, grandma

Monday, June 20, 2011

Grandma's early years (3)

Monday, June 20, 2011
Grandpa received a Father's day call from Steve and he shared some wonderful news.  Alyssa and Bob are going to have a baby, January 6th. 
Alyssa called and also shared her news with us.  I don't know who was more excited her or me.  We are so happy for them and will keep them in our prayers.
(How Jesus Came Into My Live)
I believe I left off yesterday saying my Mom and Dad got a  divorce.  The house was sold that we lived in and my Mom, sister and me all moved in with my Aunt and Uncle.  My Aunt is my Mother's sister and she never had any children so her house was clinically spotless until we moved in. 
I had to be enrolled in a new school and since my religion was Catholic I still needed to make my Holy Communion.  My Mom enrolled me in Holy Family School.  I was now entering 5th grade.  Remember when I said I had a desire to go to church but my parents never took me.  I now  attended Mass every school day before classes.  I LOVE IT.  I loved the smell of the candles and sometime incense.  I loved the beautiful colored windows.  I loved the holiness it presented in my mind.  The Nuns were very good to me.  I didn't have any friends until one girl started talking to me.  I thought she liked me.  It turned out she was a very naughty girl and got grandma in a whole lot of trouble.  I was called to the principle's office and She talked to me with concern and told me NOT to be friends with Mary. 
My Aunt soon had enough of us living in her house so we had to move again.  The place we moved to was in a warehouse that was converted into two apartments.  My mother worked and my sister and I were left alone much of the time.  I had gotten very sick with pneumonia so my sister called our Grandmother for help.  My Grandmother came and took us to her home.  I did get better but I did not return back to that house.  My Grandmother filed for guardianship over us and we lived with her, my Grandfather, a couple of elderly ladies my Grandmother took care of and my Uncle. 
At the end of 5th grade I made the sacrament of Penance and Holy communion.  The children who made their communion were in 2nd grade so that made me older and a head taller.  I loved wearing the white dress and veil and the party my Grandmother had for me.  My Mother and Dad decided to get remarried that same day.  My Dad enlisted back in the Navy and I'm not exactly sure where my Mother went.  That marriage did not last either.
I think I have shared enough with you all today so I'll say " to be continued":
Love, grandma

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Grandma's early years (2)

Sunday, June 19, 2011
Had a busy wonderful day today.  Went to church this morning to give my heavenly Father Praise and Glory for loving me and blessing me with a wonderful family.
Went to the Sheehan's memorial at the Nelson Community Building.  We saw many people to talk with that we haven't seen for awhile.  There were a lot of people who came to pay tribute for Ray Sheehan's life.
Tim and Kathy invited us over for a cookout later this afternoon.  We enjoyed visiting with Them, Tori and Tim's parents, Jack and Louise.  The food was delicious and we all were treated like honorees.  I know Grandpa and Grandpa Grubbs felt very special.  Thank you Tim and Kathy.
We came home and Grandpa received phone calls from John and Steve which made Grandpa's day complete.  I know he felt very loved.
I guess my next recognition of Jesus came when I lived with my Mom and Dad in Warrensville Hts., Ohio.  I can remember sitting on the living room floor and the sun shinning in the front window.  I had heard of Jesus, I knew he loved me because I was taught the song:
Jesus loved me this I know,
for the Bible tells me so,
Little ones to him belong,
they are weak but He is strong,
Yes! Jesus loves me,
Yes! Jesus loves me,
Yes! Jesus loves me,
The Bible tells me so.
I wanted to go to church but my parents never went so therefore I didn't go.   My neighbor girl friend invited me to a Sunday school class which I loved.  What do I remember?  Don't laugh, but it's the smell of the bible.  I loved the sound and feel of the turning pages of the bible.  I think I only went one time with her but I always had the desire to attend church.  I lived with my parents in this house till I finished 4th grade.  Mom and Dad got a divorce and I will continue with this story tomorrow.
Love, grandma

Friday, June 17, 2011

Grandma's First Early Years

Friday, June 17, 2011
I mentioned to you that I will start sharing with you how Jesus came into my life.  I will feed you a little each night and if you have any questions please feel free to ask.  If it's a bible question we can check in with Uncle Tim who I feel is very knowledgeable in the Bible.
I was born on November 6, 1941.  My parents were both raised Catholic so I was Baptized at just a few weeks old.  The Catholic Religion teaches that Baptism is a Sacrament and we are all born with original sin.  The original sin was because of Adam and Eve's disobedience to God.  By being Baptized the Catholic Religion teaches it takes away the original sin that all are born with and if you should die you would go to heaven.  I was Baptized again at age 43 and as I lead up to that age I will explain why I was Baptized again.
My Father enlisted in the Navy during WW2.  My Mother worked in a factory during those years he was in the service.  I lived with my Grandmother probably till about age 3.  My Mother would come on weekends to visit my sister and me.  I believe it might have been my Grandmother who taught me to say my prayers at night. 
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
If I should die before I awake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
I loved saying my prayers at night before I went to bed and did so for many years.  Every time I would say my prayers I would yell out "I SAID MY PRAYERS" to my Grandmother and then to my Mothers as I grew older.
That's enough information for tonight. 
Love to all of you,

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Wednesday, June 15, 2011
When I think it's going to be a typical day something is always provided for me to write about.  Our Amish neighbors wanted a ride to Middlefield to take their dogs to the groomers.  Grandpa took them this morning at 8:30 and I  drove them this afternoon to pick up the dogs. 
 On our way back on our road my neighbor noticed a raccoon in a persons yard that didn't look very well.  There were two dogs outside barking at it.  I asked her if we should turn around and see if the people are home.  She said "I'm not getting out of the car" and I said "Me neither".
  We decided to take the dogs we had in the car home first.  Grandma then went back up the road by myself and see what I could do. 
The raccoon was still by the tree lying down and the two dogs ran up to my car.  I decided to go to the house and let the people know there was a raccoon in front of their house.  I knocked, and knocked, and knocked but no answer.  I tried the door and it was open so I let the two dogs in the house and shut the door.
  I went to another neighbor next door who had 3 dogs and told him about the raccoon.  He said they had shot two other raccoons and they were rabid.  Well this one didn't look so hot himself.
  The dogs I let in the house found there way back out and chased the raccoon up the tree.  That's where I left it.  I figured this neighbor could handle it from there.
Since I Am in Christ
I am BORN of God and the evil one cannot touch me.
1 John 5:18---We know that anyone BORN of God does not continue to sin; the one who was born of God keeps him safe, and the evil one cannot harm him.
Love, Grandma

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Well Pat is up to pulling stupid stunts again.  I had planned to develop some pictures at the drugstore today and was going through my pictures in the camera to see which ones I wanted to develop.  Welllllllll, as I was deleting some of the not so good ones I ended up deleting ALL the pictures in my camera.  I thought I pushed the NO button when it asked me if I wanted all of them deleted.  I tried to cancel it, pushed every button I could, Grandpa said shut it off but nothing worked as I saw the line slowly go across the screen.  EMPTY!!!  Now there is a plus side to this and that is I had all of them in the computer so I was able to print out the pictures I wanted at home.  Fortunately I had a few sheets of photo paper left and after all I am trying to use up the ink jet in our old printer.  Phew :)
Since I Am in Christ
I am now a CHILD of God. I will resemble Christ when He returns.
1 John 3:1-2---How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called CHILDREN of God!  And that is what we are!  The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Dear friends, now we are CHILDREN of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
Love, grandma

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011
You are not going to believe this but it's all very true.  Yesterday I wrote I was planning on pulling weeds today so this morning I got up and just started in on the side of the house where we have some bushes and flowers all growing together.  ALL OF A SUDDEN A BROWN JEEP PULLS IN OUR DRIVEWAY AND OUT COMES MY FRIEND BETH WITH  A BOTTLE OF ROUND UP, A SPRAY BOTTLE AND A MEASURING SPOON.  Beth reads my blog and told me this was her secret on getting rid of weeds.  This would have made a perfect commercial for Round Up.  I was given specific directions and told what to stay away from. 
Beth, I squirted the weeds coming out of the bricks and stones this afternoon.  I was very cautious of the wind and which way it was blowing.  I can hardly wait to see those nasty weeds die.  I want to say "Thank you and I Love You My Friend".
I watched the movie 2012 last night and it was ok.  I thought we had the free movie channels all week but it was all weekend.  Don't think we will subscribe.
I read on Jess's FB about the upcoming event to raise money for Children's Cancer Cure.  I know some of you are not on FB so I copied and pasted the information from Jess's blog.
As some of you may know my niece has had Lymphoma and Leukemia. She is now fully recovered and going on to make wonderful memories. With these walks we can help so many other children. Please help me bring hope to the families in need. Any donation is greatly appreciated.
Kiersten Rades is the daughter of Robert Rades and our granddaughter Alyssa.
I am an ENEMY of the devil.
1 Peter 5:8---Be self-controlled and alert.  Your ENEMY the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
Love, grandma

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Sunday, June 12, 2011
A lazy day today but that's alright because I gave myself permission.  After church and lunch the couch was calling my name and of course I had to answer the call.  I dozed off till the phone rang.  Dozed off again till the phone rang.  Ok, now I know someone was trying to tell me no nap.
Direct TV is offering free movie channels for one week.  Grandpa watched his movie last night and I watched mine.  It's strange with no commercials.  I've already picked out the movie I'll probably watch tonight.  I think it might be 2012 or Daycare Dad's.
I took a walk around the house and the weeds are taking over and all that ivy stuff is growing everywhere.  I might have to hire myself to start weeding.  Hmmmm!  What is the going rate on weed pulling?  If I told you all what my friend Beth does you would not believe me.  She is one of the most amazing women I know who works on their farm.  That's an inspiration for me to say "What's a few weeds to pull" .  Tomorrow I start my job.
Since I Am in Christ
I am an alien and a STRANGER to this world in which I temporarily live.
1 Peter 2:11---Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and STRANGERS in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against you soul.
Love, grandma

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Saturday, June 11, 2011
Grandma's is SHOCKED!!  The other day Grandpa found a recipe for  Italian Beef Sandwiches.  The ingredients were a 5lb. block rump roast and many other seasonings including a package of Italian dressing mix.  Sounds good!  The next thing I knew is he went shopping and came home with a rump roast and a package of Italian dressing mix.  Ok,  That's cool.  This morning I woke up and came out in the kitchen and Grandpa already had it in the slow cooker cooking.  Now, that is a first.  SHOCKED!
We had planned on going to Streetsboro for light bulbs at Home Depot.  These bulbs are for my sewing room that are on the track so they are special.  Grandpa said "do you want to get some breakfast at Bob Evans"?  You don't have to ask me twice.  We were using our Bob Evans gift card and it was wonderful.  While sitting in Bob Evans I mentioned to Grandpa our printer needs a new ink jet.  Seeing Staples across the street reminded me of that. 
After breakfast we went to Staples to get our ink jet and ended up buying a new printer.  The ink jets were cheaper to buy for the new HP printer. SHOCKED!
Oh Yes! we did manage to shop at Home Depot to get our light bulbs.
Grandpa's roast came out beautiful so for supper we had shredded Italian BBQ beef sandwiches.  I froze two containers for future meals and saved one for tomorrow's after church lunch.
Since I Am in Christ
I am a CHOSEN race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession to proclaim the excellencies of Him.
1 Peter 2:9---But you are a CHOSEN people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
Love, grandma

Friday, June 10, 2011


Friday, June 10, 2011
A couple of days ago I roasted a turkey in my electric oven.  We had turkey for a couple of days, I froze some turkey and this morning made turkey noodle soup.  I didn't tell Grandpa I was making the soup because that is not one of his favorites.  He graciously ate a bowl for lunch and we decided our neighbors Dawn and Chris would like the rest of it.
This evening Grandma took the Amish neighbors to town to run some errands so it was a treat for me to stop at McDonalds and bring home supper for Grandpa and me.  I want to say thank you to Debbie because I used the coupon and got a free frozen strawberry lemonade.
We are almost finished with the series of "Who I am in Christ".  I have been thinking about starting to share how Jesus came into my life.  You might have some questions that I could answer for you.  I thought I would mention this now so if you do have questions you would have a chance to think about them.
Since I Am In Christ
I am one of God's LIVING STONES and am being built up as a spirit house.
1 Peter 2:5----you also, like LIVING STONES, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Love, grandma

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Thursday, June 9, 2011
It's amazing what Grandpa can see from his favorite chair.  This afternoon while he was resting in his chair he looked out the front door window and saw a large turtle crossing over the driveway across the street.  Did I say large!!!  Grandpa guessed it was about 15" wide and from the head extended out to the tip of his tail about 35".  Oh!  I almost forgot it was a snapping turtle.  Grandpa went out with a broom and camera and had me call Mr. Huzl.  The two big hunters were out there.  I should have had the camera because Mr. Huzl picked it up by the tail and the next thing I knew it was a flying snapping turtle.  The end of this story is Mr. Huzl put it in a cooler and took it down to the creek to free him back in his own elements.
Since I Am in Christ
I am a PARTAKER of Christ...I share in His life.
Hebrews 3:14---We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first.
Love, grandma

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Wednesday, June 8, 2011
There was an awesome bible study this morning at our church.  It's a time of prayer, bible reading, and question and answers.  I just love attending these studies.
My cousin, Bob, who is her from VA made time to come and visit Grandpa and me.  How wonderful it is to see and talk with him.  Grandpa grew up and went to school with him so they always have fun catching up on classmates. 
This afternoon I went to see my friend Beth who gave me the strawberries.  Grandpa picked her some of our rhubarb today so I delivered it.  We just had the best time sitting on her patio talking about everything that came to mind.  She is a honey.
Tonight I took two of our neighbor girls to town so while I waited on them I had my book and a can of Pepsi.  What a treat for me and I even got paid for it.  I told Grandpa I would take the girls if he would water my flowers.  That worked for us.
Since I Am in Christ
I am a HOLY brother (or sister), partaker of a heavenly calling.
Hebrews 3:1---Therefore, HOLY brothers (or sisters) who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess.
Love, grandma

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Tuesday, June 7, 2011
This morning I had the most wonderful encounter with God.  Grandpa left at 8 o'clock to take the Amish girls to their job.  I shut the radio off and read my bible and did my devotions.  It was beautiful.  I heard the rain coming down and then I thought I heard hail.  It was such a precious time to just be alone with God.  Grandpa came home and then left again to do some shopping in Windham.  I guess they must have had quite a storm because trees and power lines were down.  He was told the hail was pretty good size.  I was so unaware of the storm and found it was just a beautiful place to be in the quiet presence of the Lord.
Since I Am in Christ
I am a son (or daughter) of LIGHT and not of darkness.
1 Thessalonians 5:5---You are all sons (or daughters) of the LIGHT and sons (or daughters) of the day.  We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.
Love, grandma

Monday, June 6, 2011


Monday, June 6, 2011
Sunday, after the graduation ceremony the students were having pictures taken with friends and family.  Grandpa and I were right there with them and had the opportunity to meet Judge Belden.  His son Stephen graduated that day and he was directly behind Michael in receiving his Diploma.  Judge Belden said it was known that he had relatives that came from Garrettsville back in the 1920s.  There were two women that were lawyers that lived in Garrettsville.  They were no relation to us but who knows they could have been long lost cousins.  I told him how our son, Steve, found the large monument in the cemetery with the Belden names on and how he wanted to engrave his name on that very prestigious monument.  The judge thought that was pretty funny.
We were blessed today when our friend Beth came over with a HUGH bowl of fresh strawberries she picked from her garden.  I just finished eating a small bowl of them and "Oh My" were they delicious.  They were not like the ones you get in the store.  These were perfectly ripen.  Thank you Beth.
Since I Am in Christ
I am chosen and dearly LOVED by God.
1Thessalonians 1:4----For we know, brothers LOVED by God, that he has chosen you,
Love, grandma

Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 5, 2011
Congratulations Michael!  Michael graduated with honors today from Hoover High School.  He plans to attend the Miami University in Ohio this Fall.  Michael, You are ready to FLY!
In the photos are:
Erica Belden with her brother Michael.
Grandpa and Grandma with Michael.
Our son John and his family.
John and Deb with son Michael.
Michael, Our grandson.
I am CHOSEN of God, holy and dearly loved.
Colossians 3:12---Therefore, as God's CHOSEN people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Love, grandma

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Saturday, June 4, 2011
It was a wonderful evening tonight as we had a nice little get together at cousin Rosemarie and Chuck's house.  Cousin Bob is in town from VA to see his grandson's graduation from H.S.
Rosemarie called Uncle Sammy and Aunt Sue and us to come for a cookout and visit with Bob.  All of us are in our 70s and 80s so we had a lot to reminisce about.  Always fun to get together with family.
Since I Am in Christ
I am an expression of the life of Christ because HE IS MY LIFE.
Colissians 3:4---When CHRIST, WHO IS YOUR LIFE, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

Love, grandma

Friday, June 3, 2011


Friday, June 3, 2011
Howdy all,  I did something today that I haven't done since I don't know when.  Grandpa and I were looking for a coin purse he carries and couldn't find.  Grandpa was going to the car wash and the coin purse had a lot of quarters in it for the car wash.  I thought maybe it fell behind his dresser so I looked underneath.  I found a pair of slippers I haven't seen in eons of time.  I took the sweeper and swept underneath the dresser and swept the pair of slippers inside and out.  My plans today was to sweep the inside of the car since Grandpa washed it.  Guess what I found but low and behold Grandpa's coin purse.  I did a couple loads of wash and found a five dollar bill from Grandpa's shirt.  Whew Whoow!!!!!  Jackpot!
Since I Am in Christ
I am HIDDEN with Christ in God.
Colossians 3:3----For you died, and your life is now HIDDEN with Christ in God.
Love, grandma

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Wednesday, June 1, 2011
What to write? What to write?
Today Grandpa realized how much I need him.  I wanted to make a copy of an application which was on pink paper.  I told Grandpa I didn't want to use our colored ink jet.  He said "you can make a copy in black and white".  I was stumped because I was thinking I had to get into the file of Lexmark printer.  Grandpa said " go to the copy machine and push the button that says Black Copies"  He proved that worked by taking a small piece of yellow paper and making a copy.  Yep!  It came out black and grey.  I said "OH! the green button that says color must be for colored copies.  I had to LOL.  I just reaffirmed to Grandpa how much I need him.
Since I Am in Christ
Ephesians 4:24----and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS.
Love, grandma