Thursday, January 27, 2011


Thursday, January 27, 2011
If there is TROUBLE to be found I will find it.  I learned a good lesson today as I was getting the ingredients ready to make a cake.  Check list: Cake mix, 3 eggs, ½ cup butter, ¾ water.  What I learned was you cannot catch an egg with your knee.  As I was putting one egg in the mixer the second one decided to roll off the counter.  My reaction was to catch it with my knee.  It doesn't work.  The egg broke on my leg, splashed down the cupboard and landed on the floor in one gooey mess.  ï  Lesson learned: Do not get in the way of a fallen egg.
The TROUBLE with people who talk too fast is that they often say something they haven't thought of yet.
Celia Coggins
"He who guards his mouth and his tongue, guards his soul from TROUBLES."
Proverbs 21:23 NASB
Love, grandma

1 comment:

  1. The top of your foot (even with a soft slipper on) doesn't work either...! :-) I stumbled across your blog looking for info on just who Celia Coggins is. I must have the same "reusable" page-a-day calendar with Bible verses, since this is the same one I have for today. (My oldest is named Celia, and she's been working on a personal project about "Famous Celias.") Any clue who Celia Coggins is/was?...
