Today is going to be a pretty hard day to top. Grandpa and I arrived at Kathy and Tim's house around 10 o'clock this morning. Kathy was busy preparing a delightful brunch for us. Kathy's menu' was Ham' N Eggs Brunch Braid along with Orange Cranberry Bread, grape freezer jam and warm cooked apples, juice and coffee. I totally apologize for not taking the picture before it was served. Grandma sat down and as soon as prayer was over I was feeding my face. I remembered the camera after we were done.
What a joy to visit with Kasey, her boyfriend Jared and another surprise was Tori didn't have school today so she was able to be with us. God knew what he was doing when he made families. Lots of love and laughter around the table.
Grandpa and I came home and it wasn't long before our doorbell was ringing and who should it be but our little Amish girl with a plate of homemade oatmeal raisin cookies. Of course we had to have some while she sat and visited with us a short while.
I was so impressed with Kathy making a new recipe that I decided I wanted something new for our supper. Our Amish neighbors had a cookbook made up with their favorite recipes which we were happy recipients of. I found a recipe which I had all the ingredients and made Meatballs and Gravy. It may sound simple which it was but OHHHH was it good. I put them over buttered noodles and made enough for leftovers. Smart plan don't you think?
The only thing that could make this day more perfect is if I had a little fairy come in and clean the kitchen. Well! no fairy showed up so I better get busy.
We loved every minute of it! So glad you were able to come over. Kyle and Tim are expecting a brunch over at Grandmas with a new recipe! :) (Those are Tim's words, not mine) Yes, Tim made it home safely.