Sunday, October 16, 2011

Quilt Show

Sunday, October 16, 2010
Thought I better send out a message so you all don't think I'm ailing.  I couldn't be better, Thank the Lord!
I took out a membership for a quilt show on the net called "The Quilt Show".  It is with a quilter I admire, Alex Anderson and her partner Ricky Tims.  They have such a Varity to watch and choose from that sometimes I get a little carried away but ohhhhh! how it inspires me to quilt which of course takes more time. 
Thought For the Day:
We are infallible when we obey.
Ask the Holy Spirit to give us that
one grace.  Only Jesus can teach us
obedience, and that is by the reality
of his own example.
Love, grandma

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