Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hi,  I'm going to make this short.  My blog has a new setup which I need to get familiar with.  Our most recent news is our granddaughter Kasey Grubbs married Jared Graber yesterday, May 19, 2012.  Unfortunately the pictures in our camera did not come out very good.  Grandpa said "It's time for a new camera".  I'm hoping to receive some from family members I could share with you.

I want to say thank you for stopping by and also for your patience.

This is the message on my Mother Teresa Heart of Joy calendar for today:

When suffering comes to us, we
should accept it with a smile,
because it is the greatest gift that
God gives us.  It is a gift to have the
courage to accept everything that he
sends us.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hi,  It's been awhile since Grandma blogged.  I was surprise to find a whole new layout.  Now I have to learn all over again how to use my blog.

Grandma's been busy with living each day to the fullest.  At my age you begin to see more of your family and friends passing out of this world.  It's sad for those left behind because someone you love and care about is no longer here on earth to share your life with.

I know I'm here for a purpose and that is to reach out and share my love for the Lord, Jesus Christ.  Maybe I can share what Jesus has done for me in my life.  I will pray about it and if it's God's will I will start on my next blog.

I think first I'm going to learn all I can do and not do on this new layout of the blog.

May all who reads this be blessed.